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Pof. Andreas in hospital

President of the Addis Ababa University, Pof. Andreas Eshete is reportedly in hospital in South Africa.

Addis Neger, a weekly Amharic paper, reported this Saturday that the professor was found unconscious in his domicile two weeks ago. And he was taken to South Africa after being seen at the Armed Force hospital. The professor is said to be suffering from pneumonia.

The paper says he in better condition now after undergoing tests. The travel was financed by the business tycoon, Sheik Alamudin.

The professor who studied philosophy at Williams and Yale University is notorious for his smoking and drinking habits.

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  1. tesfai
    April 14, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    In THE HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE: MELES ZENAWI AND MOHAMMAD AL-AMOUDI, Tecola Hagos (tecolahagos.com) wrote an interesting article on business dealings of Alamoudi. If what Tecola alleges is indeed true I don’t know how Alamoudi could operate under the radar of Interpol/FBI for so long. Tecola also admitted receiving research funding from Alamoudi some years ago but considers his objections now is out of concern for our nation’s well being. I wonder what an embarassment it would be if the list of beneficiaries of Alamoudi’s largesse could be made public; I am afraid Ethiopian intellectuals, website managers, and leaders have been silenced by Alamoudi and are looking the other way as he continues to plunder the nation’s resources on the cheap. His investments are in foreign currency earners (hotels, gold, tourism, etc.) We are also told by Tecola that Alamoudi’s mother is Eritrean. Could we extrapolate from this that some of the hard to account for returns may find their way to propping up the Eritrean regime?

    This morning we learned that AAU President Endrias was sent to South Africa for medical treatment by Alamoudi as were Tilahun Gessesse and countless person’s of influence. Forget for a moment about Alamoudi’s generosity and his creating employment and consider the longterm implications of what Tecola’s article suggests.

    Can someone please discuss this issue?

  2. Thirst
    April 14, 2008 at 6:44 pm

    Professor Andreas Eshete is one of the typical puppet Ethiopian scholars who are hungry for money and power, and sell out their famine stricken fellow Ethiopians to oppressive regime like Zenawi. Shame on Andreas Eshete!!!

    I am aware of Tecolas’s prior association with the tyrant regime of MELES ZENAWI; however, I found his last articles interesting and enlightening.

    Good Job Tecola!!!

  3. Atim
    April 14, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    I smell something is burning.

  4. Gosa
    April 15, 2008 at 2:38 pm


    What do you think it is burning? You think AAU is burning or you have something in mind? Like to hear from you.


  5. Mela
    April 15, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    so sad for his family,I doubt he has one.But his misery does not at all balance to his trickery against the loss of innocent fellows & students.It is so sad that he is short of the chance to repent.The halo in the sun could a harbinguer to extend to the fascit Meles. It is time for God to launch His army to free Ethiopia.

  6. Mela
    April 15, 2008 at 4:42 pm

    God help him

  7. Kasa
    April 15, 2008 at 11:36 pm

    I am very sorry for him, and his family. I hope he will feel better soon. However, some of this people who spent time studying philosophy don’t worth spending time discussing about them because they are good only for talking about things. For example, please take a look at some of the most recently posted articles some beginner philosophy writers wrote and posted on various Ethiopian Diaspora media and observe that that they will make you mock the profession that once you might have had so much respect for it.

  8. Aklog
    April 16, 2008 at 1:32 pm


    Prof Andreas I am glad that you are getting good medical treatment, although I wish our country is able providing you better medical treatment so when one get sick like you one does not need to go away far from home. Anyway, he was an outstanding student. I enjoyed the time I spent discussing social issues with him. Although his association with the current government???


    I also noted what you have noted but no need mentioning names. By the way, I was extremely impressed by most of the commentators’ remarks and efforts trying to figure out whether or not the writer knows some thing worthwhile. I was also impressed by their reaction against the writer when they noted it was not worthwhile spending time with him. I think they finally cornered him and made him aware that he is not a kind of moral preacher they want to hear. They regretted the time they spent with him. They also said that he has unusual habits. I heard couple of my students discussing about his unusual habits.

  9. Tera Wotader
    April 16, 2008 at 2:55 pm

    Hi all,

    I hear mostly negative stories about this person, prof Endreas Eshete. I would appreciate if some of you could say something about him. Especially if you were/are collegues or students of him.



  10. Aklog
    April 16, 2008 at 8:15 pm


    As I said Prof. Endreas Eshete is a great man except for his association with the government. By the way, some of the comments on my last post were not meant to refer to Prof. Endreas Eshete; I am sorry for not being clear.

    Some of the comments were in reference to the article “How can we do better?” that is posted on this blog. I sincerely do not have a desire/time to discuss this article with anybody especially with the author because I have seen how he conducted himself in his postings. I sincerely fleet sorry for his commentators those who took him seriously that thinking he might know something better than them. I noted qualities in the way the commentators presented themselves; for instance, I liked their questions and they were open-minded. However, when they figured out the author arrogance and that he was not open-minded they open the hell from him, and they run him around there. One of the commentators gave up after saying “I used to teach this …”

    I don’t blame the commentators, although I don’t agree with letting hell open.

  11. Salem
    April 19, 2008 at 10:06 am

    But Africa Inltelligence says he is in intensive care in the United States.
    I’ve posted the site here,

  12. youhanna
    March 4, 2009 at 11:19 am

    He is not amad minded heis rather acreame minded ethiopian guy
    I am very ..lucky 2 B astudent & 2Bgraduated by precious signatureof
    tnx god for his healing &coming back once again

  13. pSYCHO
    March 17, 2009 at 11:09 pm

    Prof Andrias is a worthless organism, who lived his life worrying about cigarets, young gairls and alchol. He is as useless as Melez Zenawi is.

    They are the enemy of their own soil.

  1. April 14, 2008 at 2:13 pm

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